It's all a circus, baby


j: added a real bio + links and fixed some formatting! - aug.31.2024

j: testing testing 1 2 3 - aug.6.2024

j: i'm working on this site and a lot of other projects! - aug.6.2024


Welcome to Joanee-land

Joanee bent over staring at you frighteningly
pls click around and stuff


Murido divaaaaaaa

Get 2 know me ;p


Hello! I'm Joanee, sometimes Hunter, sometimes I'm an artist that likes to work with audio/video mostly. I really enjoy making anything; I graduated from CSULB w/ a degree in music composition/minor in film+electronic arts. I will always be a music maker. I grew up in a not all that little farm town where I fell in love with musical theatre. Throughout all of my art stuff I am a live performer at heart but also kinda an introvert.

This Website

is my personal space and digital scrapbook. I'm coding it all myself and it's so fun! It's hosted by and will never feature 3rd party ads or any craziness meant to take advantage of anyone. You should check out neocities and all of the sites that will eventually be linked somewhere on here.

These are Things I have Made!

- Audio Video Remix
I am Still Here, Only Invisible
What's That
Tell Me, Sailor

my favorite foods

There is Still Time